Some Example Programs in Axiomatic Language
(not executed -- not tested)

sort an input text file

test for balanced parentheses

"phonecode" -- from Lutz Prechelt, An Empirical Comparison of Seven Programming Languages, Computer 33(10):23-29, October 2000. Technical Report.
minimum, median lines of non-comment code (from TR Appendix):
    tcl - 44, 101
    rexx - 53, 122
    python - 42, 82
    perl - 49, 74
    Java - 107, 244
    C++ - 150, 243
    C - 188, 244
Axiomatic language solution, not counting utility functions: 54
(We don't count utility code since that would be part of a standard library.)

minimum spanning forest
Some MST Kruskal & Prim algorithm samples and # lines of non-comment, non-i/o code:
    PlanetSourceCode - Prim, php: 25 lines for mst function, link
    scvalex - Prim C: about 34 lines for algorithm, link
    HubPages - Kruskal, C: about 49 lines for algorithm, link
    The Learning Point - Kruskal, C: about 65 lines for algorithm, link
(There is some subjectivity in these line counts.)
Axiomatic language solution: 15 lines (non-utility)

utility functions & predicates: - functions and predicates on the form of expressions - higher-order definitions - functions and predicates based on expression inequality - natural number functions - character functions